The Pro Chancellor



The Pro-Chancellor, as a man of many parts, is an accomplished Technocrat, Bureaucrat, Entrepreneur, Business Practitioner and Corporate Leader. He is a philanthropist of uncommon quality. Indeed, his multi-dimensional attributes and perspectives are amply confirmed by the multiplicity and diversity of his academic credentials, Professional-cum-occupational experience as profiled below:

He is presently the Director-General, Nigeria-Egypt Business Council, The Chairman, Aid Care Foundation for Youth and Internally Displaced Persons, Chairman, Boris Ventures Limited, Executive Director (Business Development) Standard Insurance Consultants Limited.

A man of vast experience,  he started his interesting occupational life with a stint as a teacher at the Kanam Community High School, Dengi, Kanam LGA, and Plateau State. Alhaji Idris worked for 13 years at Royal Exchange Assurance Nigeria Limited in four of its locations within Nigeria. He equally served at the managerial level at the widely renowned Fertilizer Company, NAFCON at Onne, Port-Harcourt. He has been for over ten (10) years the Executive Director (Business Development, Standard Insurance Consultants Limited.

By virtue of his versatile knowledge and demonstrable leadership skills, he was appointed in 2010 as the Technical Assistant/Senior Special Adviser to the Honorable Minister, National Planning Commission. In the same (or similar) vein, the subject was in 2013 made the Finance and Planning Consultant of the Federal Capital Territory Administration. Yet again, Alhaji Abdulrahman Idris was appointed and elevated in 2015 to the position of the Senior Special Assistant to the Honorable Minister of the Federal Capital Territory. Here, he assisted the Honorable Minister on affairs pertaining to the Abuja Metropolitan Management Council (AMMC). He held the position until May 28, 2015.

Alhaji Idris academic profile is equally myriad and clearly portrays a colourful variety of inter-disciplinary and inter-regional education. He is a Graduate of Actuarial Sciences/Insurance from Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. He is a holder of Post Graduate Diploma Certificate in Public Administration (PDPA) from Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Bauchi. He equally possesses the Advanced Diploma in Public Administration (ADPA) from prestigious Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife. The subject attended the famous Government College, Keffi after a brief stay at the celebrated Kings College, Lagos for his Higher Secondary Certificate.

Further to his credit, Alhaji Abdulrahman Idris had attended various insurance and Allied courses both within and outside the Country. His cognate experience spanning over a decade in Inter-Governmental and Allied services is vast, such as in the areas of Agricultural supplies, Business Development and Insurance generally.

Alhaji Abdulrahman Idris enjoys Membership and Fellowship of many renowned Professional bodies (including the Chartered Nigerian Institute of Management, the Institute of Corporate Administration and the Chartered Institute of Insurance to mention but a few). Having a career spanning over three decades in consulting, insurance and Business Management, the subject has widely travelled around the globe.

In pursuit of certain undertakings in the spheres of business development, marketing and trade promotions, he has visited the United States of America, United Kingdom, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the UAE (including Dubai), Hungary, Singapore and Lebanon. In essential terms, the subject can rightly be viewed as an “International citizen”.

Overall given Alhaji Idris’ broad and varied accomplishments in both Private and Public life, he can justly and correctly be regarded as a valuable asset and precious material to Nigeria and Atiba University in particular. His varied experience, versatility and visibility will always operatively combine to add value to the University as Pro-Chancellor and Chairman of the Governing Council.

Alhaji Abdulrahman Idris is married with three wives and is a proud parent of many children. He is a guardian to an unascertainable number of wards. He was born in 1954.